Frequently asked questions


Can I have a look at your daily menu?

We’re posting in advance on Facebook the content of our special menus and from time to time, we bring there also some delicious and extraordinary dish to the fore. But for the moment, it’s all 🙂 We are taking the liberty to maintain a moment of surprise when the customer come to the Green Bar. Also, we love to have the freedom of improvisation during cooking, based on the actual local and seasonal products.
Each day you can experience a range of new tastes, we offer more than 6 variations of salads (+ a wild choice of dressings), and there is at least one vegan and one gluten-free dish every day. You can enjoy delicious homemade breads or pastries, taste some lovingly made desserts, boost your immune system with fresh smoothies or with a drink from young barley grass or warm up with our fabulous selection of teas. Every allergen is clearly labelled. So, come in! You’ll certainly find your favorite!


Can I pay with meal voucher/tickets? And with credit cards?

Yes, we accept payments with meal vouchers/tickets and by credit cards.


Why can we find fish in your menu? Aren’t you a vegetarian restaurant?

Although the establishment is a vegetarian one, one can genuinely feel that the fresh fishes are respected like the rest of the plant-based menu.Since the beginning, Tuesdays have become traditional days for those who aren’t 100% vegetarian to enjoy a flavorful fish. Every dish is clearly labelled and marked, so no stress! there’s no possibility than a strict vegan pick up something fishy! We’re hoping that this “vegetarian exception” will not disturb or violate the peaceful and open spirit of Green Bar.